42RLE 45RFE 62TE 68RFE Oversized Solenoid Switch Valve Plug Kit Sonnax 92835-18K
Common complaints with Chrysler 41TE, 42LE, 42RLE, 45RFE, 545RFE and 68RFE transmissions include erratic or no torque converter clutch control, second gear starts and/or low/Reverse switch code. These can be caused by the solenoid switch valve plugs cocking in the bore and hanging up. Another cause of these complaints can be bore wear at the switch valves due to the cocking action and/or continuous oscillation of the plugs. For valve bodies with excessive wear, use Sonnax oversized solenoid switch valve plug kit 92835-18K. When using this oversized kit, Sonnax offers two ways to ream the bore: a stand-alone bench reamer 92835-RM (not compatible with 62TE) or tool kit F-92835-TL18 that requires the use of the VB-FIX.
- The two functional plugs have been redesigned to prevent cocking in the bore
- One plug features a tightly toleranced thruhole that guides a stem on the mating plug
- O-Ringed end plug that positively seals the reamed bore
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